Gifts of a Lifetime: Music Engagement and Appreciation

Music plays a powerful role in childhood development from the very start. At Inside the Orchestra, we bring music to children through engaging and interactive experiences intended to cultivate music appreciation and enhance their education with orchestral music.  

According to research commissioned by Carnegie Hall, engaging in music-creation through exercises, such as tapping, clapping, bouncing, and dancing, can help to develop fine and large motor control among children of all ages. It can also help to establish human connection and feelings of safety and security among infants and toddlers, with their caregivers when they use pitch, rhythm, and lyrics to soothe, teach language, communicate hope, and offer affection.

This same research shares that participation in arts activities directly correlates to positive feelings among preschoolers, and nurtures their ability to regulate emotions and behavior through musical concepts, such as stopping/starting and slowing down/speeding up. 

Give your child the gift of music by attending one of our immersive Tiny Tots orchestra concerts this month. Designed and performed by professional musicians, educators, and guest artists, children will explore the orchestra and its many instruments while working together to discover mysterious sounds, musical secrets and treasures to complete a giant, musical puzzle. 

For Tiny Tots concert details, or to learn more about Inside the Orchestra, visit

About Inside the Orchestra
Inside the Orchestra brings music to children, cultivating music appreciation and enhancing their education through engaging, interactive experiences with orchestral music. We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Learn more about our values and our work in the community

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