Inside the Orchestra School Confirmation

Inside the Orchestra School Confirmation

Confirmation Instructions

To ensure that your school has the best possible experience with our programs, please make certain:

  • The indoor or outdoor performance space has enough chairs for the ensemble performing
  • The performance space is available 30 minutes prior to the performance time for set-up
  • To let your colleagues know about the assembly so all of your chosen students can participate
  • No bells, announcements or fire drills are scheduled during the assemblies

Teachers are asked to sit with their class during the performance. If teachers are not able to attend, other staff must be present to supervise.

Complete the confirmation form below as soon as possible in order to confirm your scheduled time. In addition to your performance program, you will also receive Virtual Curriculum Access – a year-long suite of lessons and resources on a variety of musical topics, virtual performances, and hands-on resources

You can find free learning materials on our website.

We look forward to working with your students.


Inside the Orchestra Confirmation Form – Small Programs

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • :
  • :
  • :
  • Every school that receives in-school programs will also have access to our Virtual Resource Hub and learning materials. Please fill out the information below so we can get your materials to you.

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