When I first started my own business here in Colorado, I didn’t just want to pay the bills. I didn’t just want to create something that focused on money and nothing else. I not only wanted to contribute to a need that consumers had, but also solve a need that the community had while giving back to those around me. That’s where Inside the Orchestra came in to play. Little did I know that by helping out a nonprofit organization my business would actually grow faster AND I would be helping my community become a better place at the same time.

The bottom line is that people notice when you contribute to the community. It feels good, it helps others, and it helps your business boom. I’m going to show you an easy way to do this in your company right now.
Why Get Involved?
Why choose Inside the Orchestra as your company’s nonprofit, you say? I’ll give you three reasons.
- First, Inside the Orchestra reaches many communities in Denver. This almost guarantees that people in your direct part of the Denver-metro area will be impacted by your contributions. People will see your company’s name, logo, people and advertising materials right next to the amazing work this organization does on a daily basis.
- Second, Inside the Orchestra is a nonprofit organization that helps children grow and thrive. Without children who are given a fighting chance to succeed, we have no future. By helping this nonprofit, you are building a better future for each and every child that goes through the program, as well as their families.
- Third, Inside the Orchestra reaches more than 20,000 children each year … in person! This does not include all of the advertising campaigns you would be a part of as well, including newsletters, email blasts, a website that sees 75,000 users each quarter, and social media outreach. Not to mention the positive word of mouth that comes from being involved with this nonprofit.
How Can I Play a Part?
Playing a part and increasing your company’s community involvement level is easy. You can become a sponsor, volunteer your time or your employees’ time, or contribute skills you and your company directly offer.
Become a sponsor
There are many different sponsorship levels at Inside the Orchestra that allow you to be more involved in the community. They come with a wide array of benefits as well.
- High Level: Your company name will appear in most advertising that Inside the Orchestra does, onsite at public events, you receive verbal and print recognition at all shows, your business is added to the website as well as the newsletter, and you get numerous perks for your employees.
- Mid Level: This level includes most of the same benefits that the higher-level packages have, only at fewer intervals throughout the year. It is an excellent way to contribute, get your name out there, and give your employees an extra bonus!
- Starting Level: The starter level is perfect for a smaller business. It allows you to truly impact the lives of children directly, get your name out to thousands of people and still provides perks for you and your employees to enjoy outside of work.
Nonprofits everywhere need volunteers. With programs throughout every season of the year, Inside the Orchestra is no exception. The organization constantly needs people to help with events and help in planning fundraisers. The easiest way to start is to call and ask what you can do, so give the office a shout at 303-355-7855.
Contribute Skills
On top of everything mentioned above, you can contribute a skill or service that your company provides. For example, as an attorney I contribute legal guidance whenever possible. Whatever your company does, odds are it can help out a nonprofit more than you could imagine.
Another great way to contribute your skills directly, that I have done myself, is to join the board of directors. As a board member, I am able to not only contribute time and effort directly into building this organization, but I get to steer the direction the nonprofit takes and see my time directly influence the lives of children around me. It has been an extremely rewarding part of my life and I would personally recommend it to anyone.
So What Are You Waiting For?
Sitting back and waiting does not help you, does not help your community and won’t help to grow your business. Getting started is the hardest part. So get up and give Inside the Orchestra a call. It’s easier than you think.
Email: info@insidetheorchestra.org
Phone: 303-355-7855