Education and Advocacy

Executive Director Message: End of the Fiscal Year

Dear Friends of Inside the Orchestra,  As we near the end of the fiscal year (June 30), I wanted to provide a few updates.  First of all, we are happy that parents and teachers continue to share their appreciation of our programs, for example:  “I cannot emphasize enough what an invaluable experience this (performance) was […]

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Executive Director Report: Reflecting on a year of meaningful growth and change

Reflecting on a Year of Meaningful Growth and Change Dear IO Community, As I reflect on my first year as the Executive Director of Inside the Orchestra, I am filled with gratitude for the  journey we’ve embarked on together. At the heart of our mission lies a commitment to ensuring young people have the opportunity to

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Positive Impacts of Music on 5 Stages of Life

At Inside the Orchestra, we know that having young children hear, appreciate, and participate in classical music-making is extremely beneficial to their development and well-being. From before a child is old enough to attend a Tiny Tots program through adolescence, adulthood, and in the last years of our lives, music is a positive force that

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Tiny Tots Winter 2018 Sneak Peek and Exploration Activities

We’re getting soooo close to the start of Winter Tiny Tots. Are you as excited as we are?! We thought it would be fun to share some of the winter repertoire along with some suggestions for engaging kiddos with the music. Here’s a sneak peek of 5 pieces you’ll hear at Tiny Tots in February and March

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5 Unusual “Instruments” Used in Orchestra Music

Check out the pieces below written by some very creative conductors and the weird “instruments” they chose to include. If you’d like to hear a playlist of music featuring unique instruments, we have two of them! Here and here. Find a full list of audio playlists, organized by mood and activity, here. Check out the

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Why Would a Busy Young Professional Volunteer on a Nonprofit Board?

If you follow business journalism of any kind, you will find that many articles today talk about Millennials in the workplace. The focus is usually on how this latest generation envisions their careers and their place in the world. Predominantly, these young professionals value a sense of purpose over wealth alone and they seek a

Why Would a Busy Young Professional Volunteer on a Nonprofit Board? Read More »

Today’s Youth: How Music Can Have a Lasting Impact

Some of my strongest and fondest memories of raising my daughters so far (now 2 and 4) are of making and listening to music together.  Intuitively, I knew music made us all happy and was a wonderful bonding experience. Recently, however, I have become more and more aware of studies showing just how beneficial it

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5 Trailblazing Female Composers Your Children Should Know About

When asked to name famous composers, most people list off the big names—Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, Schumann, Wagner, Tchaikovsky, Chopin, Debussy, Copland, etc. What do these most commonly played, heard, and talked about composers have in common? Aside from being successful composers whose beautiful music has been heard and enjoyed by millions of people around the

5 Trailblazing Female Composers Your Children Should Know About Read More »

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