Music is a powerful tool for expressing and processing emotions – and for finding ways to rest, get creative, and have fun. Here is a quick resource list of resources and activities for different emotions and moods.

For anxious moments, here is a short playlist of soothing music along with two quick mindfulness activities you can easily do at home or in the classroom

For sad moments, here is another short playlist and activities for exploring and learning about emotions.

Need a pick-me-up? This playlist is designed for family fun. Play the family fun playlist while you have fun with online or offline musical games. Online options here and offline options here.

Need to laugh? Take 2 minutes to watch this silly DIY video from two of our musicians.

Want to get lost in a book? Here’s the video playlist of storytime videos with our friends Abner and Heather. If you want to explore more activities with these stories, full activity guides are linked in each video description.

Need a creative outlet? Here’s the video playlist of art parties featuring the flute, cello, trumpet, and clarinet. Get out some art supplies and make some musical art.