Let’s Learn to Conduct

Have you ever wondered what a conductor does and how they do it? A conductor’s job is to help the orchestra perform beautifully, keeping the music together and bringing out the best sounds possible as a whole group. This no-prep lesson will have you conducting in no time.

Find the Beat

Older learners may already know all about beats in music, but younger children might need to practice finding the beat before then can move on to conducting. The beat of music is the basic pulse or unit of time that music has. We love this video for little ones all about the beat in music.

Let’s Conduct!

If you’ve joined us at a Tiny Tots performance, you’ll recognize our very own Conductor Dan. Conductor Dan the Music Man will teach you all about conducting in this video. Listen and conduct along with him and you’ll be a pro in no time.

Conductor Dan’s Vocabulary

Wow, Conductor Dan just taught us so much! Here are some of the words he used in the video.

Time to Practice!

Though most of us can’t just call up an orchestra to conduct, we’ve created a fun playlist so that you can conduct an orchestra you’d like! Use the handy chart below to remind yourself of what conducting music in 2, 3, or 4 looks like.

On this playlist, the first four songs have 2 beats per measure, songs 5-8 have 3 beats per measure, and songs 9-12 have 4 beats per measure. Now what are you waiting for? Get conducting!

Practice Playlist