We’ve put together some of our favorite activities to cool off, beat the heat, and enjoy some music in the process. We think you and your little ones will have a great time exploring these fun outdoor music activities.
Water Balloon Hot Potato
This is a super fun twist on the classic kids party game. Get a few little ones together in a circle and have them pass around a water balloon to music. When you turn the music off, whoever is left holding the water balloon (or whoever accidentally pops it) is out. The last person left in the game is the winner.

To make the game a bit more musical, encourage the kids to pass around the balloon in a way that reflects the style of music being played. Play a slow song and have the kids pass the balloon in slow-motion. Or, try having them pass the balloon in time to the beat.
Musical Kiddie Pool
Take a kiddie pool or empty sandbox and fill it up with water. Bring pots, pans, and glasses of various shapes and sizes outside from the kitchen along with a wooden spoon or mallet. Explore alongside your child all the different ways that water changes the sounds these objects make when struck.
This video from Child’s Play Music acts as a great tutorial for this type of activity. Feel free to utilize as many or as few of these suggestions as you like. Make it your own based on what you have on hand and what works for you. No matter what your little one will have a hands-on musical experience that helps keep them cool.
Sprinkler Freeze Dance
Freeze dance is always a fun game, but adding a water sprinkler gives it a refreshing summertime twist. Gather all the little ones in the play area and let them dance their wiggles out to their favorite tunes.

Play whatever you like and turn the music off periodically as the little ones dance and dart through the water. This simple game is fun for the whole family and requires very little equipment for a splashy summer day.
Water Xylophone
Take five or six glasses of the same size and shape and fill them with varying amounts of water. Before gently striking them with a spoon or mallet, ask your child what they think the sounds will be like. Will they all sound the same? Why or why not? Take this activity further by exploring our STEAM for All Ages Activity Guide.

Are you able to pluck out any familiar tunes with this DIY xylophone? Try and see if you can figure out a common song your child will know like The ABC’s. While you could still do this activity indoors, we recommend that you take it outside while the warm weather lasts.
Have you tried any of these activities with your kids? If so, we want to hear about it! Let us know in the comments. You can also find these and many other outdoor music activities on our Pinterest page.