Multi-Sensory Fun: Music & Activities for Kids to Explore Touch
From the Activity Guide: Multi-Sensory Music Fun
Multi-Sensory Playlist
Use this playlist during the sensory activities:
For each of the “Touch” activities, use the playlist above.
We use object descriptors to talk about music all the time (e.g., some music sounds soft, some heavy, some smooth, and some is rough).
Babies – Elementary School

Have your little one(s) experience these sensations in a hands-on way.
- Line up a variety of objects that they can touch or hold that have a distinctive quality: a feather, a heavy rock, a soft blanket, play dough, sandpaper, etc.
- Play them some short music samples from the playlist and have them pick the object that the music reminds them of the most.
- Let them tell you why: what is it about the piece that sounded light? What sounds made it seem rough? Then, wait for all of the interesting answers! Note: though your littlest one(s) will be doing more touching and less explaining, their sensory synapses will still be firing as they explore.
Toddler and Preschool
We promise this activity isn’t as messy as it may seem (especially if you use less shaving cream than we did!). Let your child get fully hands-on with a multi-sensory experience that’ll engage their sense of touch and perhaps smell as well. In terms of clean up – because shaving cream is meant to easily rinse off skin, this is so easy! A damp towel is all you’ll need.

- Give your child a pile of shaving cream.
- Let them explore the new sensory feeling.
- Use drops of food coloring to change the color.
- Ask them what color the music they’re listening to reminds them of and create that color for them.
Find additional multi-sensory activities in the full Activity Guide: Multi-Sensory Music Fun